Life on a mountain of waste
Waste and bedding are a general problem. Apart from placing dumpsters in association with local authorities we also want to raise awareness and take action to clean up the garbage together with the people of Albesti.
In the summer of 2016 we’d like to tackle the waste problem in the village of Albesti.
We intend to buy some dumpsters and have them emptied on regular times in association with the local authorities. To raise awareness we would also like to organize a campaign and set up a clean-up action with the people of Albesti.
Do you wish to cooperate or do you have other ideas, feel free to contact us.
Support this project by putting a deposit on account number BE23 0358 4368 1991 under the name of Geert Verthé mentioning “AFVAL 2016” We’ll keep you posted personally about the spending of these sums.
Gsm +32. 495 18 00 43
Geert en Krista Verthé-Dufour